Q: What is the COVID situation in Québec?

A: At the moment, churches are expected to have no more than 25 people at one time, with social distancing and sanitary measures. The number is supposed to increase to 100 at the end of May and to 250 in June.

Q: When is your next furlough?

A: As our geographical situation is different than missionaries who serve on other continents, we make shorter trips to report to churches, when they would like us to.

Q: What are the dates for your birthdays and wedding anniversary?

A: Eric (August 29); Melissa (March 12); Daniel (April 20, 2008); Aiden (December 17, 2014). Wedding anniversary: August 9.

Q: How do you pronounce your last name properly?

A: It’s a French name including sounds that don’t exist in English, but the closest English pronunciation would be “Lev - ee - ay”.

Q: Are you involved in other ministries than the current church plant?

A: We definitely focus on the church planting. Eric occasionally has opportunities for jail ministry. Melissa and Eric both serve as adjunct faculty at FaithWay Baptist College of Canada.

Frequent asked questions

Thank you for your interest in us and in the ministry here!


Church Plant