May 2024 Newsletter

Dear friends and supporters,

Winter hung on a little longer than we would have hoped this year, but we are grateful to be emerging from that and enjoying some more clement weather. This is welcome, as our church kicks off its spring outreach campaign this Saturday. We are praying that the Lord will continue to build His church here through souls saved, baptized, and added to the church.

Since our last letter in March, two more new converts have been baptized. Both are growing in the Lord by leaps and bounds, and they are a joy to watch. Another lady will be baptized in the next month. Her uncle was one of the pioneers of Gospel ministry in Québec, and he and his wife sowed seeds for several decades by witnessing to her at every opportunity. Last summer, this lady received a John and Romans through the Canadian Gospel Project of Bearing Precious Seed Canada. She saved it for 8 months in her purse before coming into contact with us and coming to church. She was saved a few weeks later. Her aunt and uncle, whom we just mentioned, are so elated at what the Lord has done that they will drive several hours to come for the baptism, in spite of their age and poor health. We share this story for several reasons: we are nothing; it is the Lord Who works in hearts. One never knows the impact of the Gospel seeds that we sow day to day; the Lord is working in hearts. Never give up; no witnessing or preaching done for the Lord is ever in vain.

With everything that God is doing, we are not surprised to see the enemy at work also. Some believers in the church have been somewhat shaken in their faithfulness, and we would appreciate prayers for the church. Philippians 4.2 says, “I beseech Euodias, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of the same mind in the Lord.” This aptly describes these situations in the church. However, because of the growth and new converts, these things are not outwardly noticeable to most, and for this we praise the Lord.

On Resurrection Sunday, we had 26 visitors, and it was an attendance record in our church’s history. We are praying that we will have many more opportunities to share the Gospel with these people. The Lord has not yet opened the door for a new building, but we are grateful for the spirit of several of our people. On some occasions, some mature members have watched the service on their phones in their cars to make room for guests. We continue to look for a new space and trust the Lord.

In the next few weeks, we have revival services, the kickoff of a new soul-winning campaign, continued training in witnessing for our church people, a reboot for our church’s Bible institute, among other things. We appreciate your prayers for these things, that the Lord would grant us fruit that remains.

Daniel and Aiden have 17 days left of school for this school year. Melissa and Eric have completed another academic year of teaching at FaithWay Baptist College of Canada, and we praise the Lord for these opportunities. The Lord has been good in granting us and health and strength. Daniel just turned 16 and is starting driving school, while Aiden calculates how many years it will be before he has the same privilege.

We are grateful for you heart for missions and your investment in the Lord’s work here.

In Christ,

Eric Melissa, Daniel, and Aiden Léveillé


March 2024